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A Proud Giustina Tradition
Delivering the natural resource needs of today without compromising the well-being of tomorrow
Forest Management
- Reforestation begins in our seed orchard. Cones are harvested to extract their seed. Seed is sent to nurseries to grow seedlings for planting.
- Seedlings from local nurseries are planted following harvest. Professional Foresters allocate different types of trees to different harvest units in order to ensure reforestation meets Oregon Forest Practices Act laws.
- After planting, our Foresters monitor young stands as they continue to grow.
- As young stands grow, different species of plants provide forage, shelter and structure.
- Maintaining healthy and vigorous growth is important. To ensure each tree has the resources it needs to grow for years to come, we commercially thin (remove some) trees to ensure the remaining trees have space to grow as they get larger. Thinned trees are sent to local mills.
- Years after commercial thinning, portions of our forests are harvested. This area will be replanted with seedlings soon after harvest. The cycle begins again to will ensure this renewable resource will be available for future generations of Oregonians.
- Vanessa Petro, Ph.D. and Will Hansen collar a mature male black bear with a GPS tracking device as part of an Oregon State University research study on dietary needs and movement of bears.
- In the spring, our forestry staff routinely find newborn blacktail deer fawns trying to blend in with their surroundings.
- Decisions made regarding day to day operations are guided by our wildlife management plan (which exceed the Oregon Forest Practice Act minimums).
- Good management provides habitat for a variety of species, while also providing added recreational opportunities, as well.
- Sometimes....we do move mountains to open upstream fish habitat. Here, the company installed a 13' tall by 26' wide by 100' long culvert in order to provide access to additional upstream habitat.
- While sensitive and endangered species get most of the attention in Oregon, our goal is to provide diverse habitats which provide quality habitat for a variety of plants and animals.
- In accordance with the Oregon's Smoke Management program, we reduce fuel loads in our forests with prescribed fire. Prescribed fire is a tool we use to reduce the likelihood of wildfire (and smoke) into nearby communities.
- Climate change in the 21st century may alter the growing conditions for Pacific Northwest trees. To better understand how climate change may affect trees we are participating in a study with the USFS PNW Research Station to better understand the impact on our forests.
Forest Operations

Log Sales
For our established customers, access available timber sales here.
Access The Log Sales Page
Worker Protection
For contractors working on our lands, get up-to-date closure and safety information.
Access Worker Protection